Saturday, February 06, 2010


"Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. If you had known who I am then you would have known who my Father is. From now on you know him and have seen him.' "
John 14:6 - 7 - New Living Translation

Dear God - Valentines

A long time ago, there was a young man, who was quite a troubled young man - rebellious to say the least. He liked to party, joyride, etc. One day, he landed in jail after stealing gasoline from a local gas station. As he sat in his jail cell, he remembered an uncle that had a very dicy past, but who’s life had turned around after he came to know the Lord Jesus Christ. So, the young man, with his one call allowed, decided to call his uncle and ask him to come to the jail. It was on a February 14, Valentine’s Day, that the uncle came and sat with the young man and eventually prayed with him, asking Jesus to forgive his sins and come into his life.

Because that young man came to know Jesus at perhaps one of the lowest points in his life in a jail cell on that Valentine’s Day, many years later, I also came to accept Jesus into my heart and my life.

I’ve never been married, never had any children, and so there have been some Valentine’s Days that I have envied my friends experiencing romantic dinners and receiving flowers from their husbands, or cute little valentines made by their children. But whenever I get even a little bit down around this time of year, I remember that God’s greatest gift of all, His love through His son, Jesus Christ, can take your worst Valentine’s Day and turn it into the best day of your life!