Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Well, well, well. We are now into the bible study season at the church -- Wednesday nights we barbeque and have a study. I was sooooo dreading this year's study on "Revelation". Probably because it seems that most of the studies I've gone to have been focused on the Old Testament and Revelation -- and it seems like alot of people want to "use" Revelation to predict the future or the timing of the end -- that kind of thing. So, I was really dreading getting back into Revelation again.

Much to my surprise and delight, however, I thoroughly appreciated and welcomed the contextualization of Revelation that Pastor Bob provided us earlier this evening. I did not know that John was 80 when he wrote it, that he had already been banished, that he wrote Revelation prior to writing the Gospel of John, that there is nothing new in Revelation -- everything in Revelation is elsewhere in the bible as well so it had all been previously prophesied.

All that AND the messages of:

The dangers of complacency. I know the dangers (and results) all too intimately.

Making sure the focus of giving to or working for the kingdom is not on how little our contribution is, but that our giving/work is done with the correct spirit.

I am so looking forward to the study to come of the seven letters to the seven churches in Revelation. Great day.

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