Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Tickled on Tuesday

I'm tickled today. I took the bus from Central to Canada Place to take care of business so as to be able to work at the church. It is a BEAUTIFUL day here today. Warm, breezy and not humid. Simply fabulous.

The busses aren't too bad here, though some are horrified at the prospect of riding them! But I'm a city girl, and having bussed around Washington, D.C. (alot), Chicago and New York (though not often), I am quite used to public transportation. I'm thinking about using the bus for the months of July, August and possibly September -- it is alot cheaper than driving and I would get to read the paper each day. But, it does take more time, though I'm not sure it is significantly longer.

Yesterday's reading was from Esther 1 & 2. I quite admire Esther. I've been trying to think of who an "Esther" of today's world might be -- it is hard to find an equivalent today in our Western Culture, because really, not many ladies are forced into a role such as Esther was. (The only woman I can think of that might resemble Esther in certain terms is Eleanor Roosevelt.) Esther exercised restraint when necessary, yet was bold when the time was right. She kept close counsel with the Lord at all times and therefore was quite wise. I particularly like the fact that she gave credit wherever credit was due -- she did not try to grab the glory or edify herself in that way at all.

It is often hard being a single woman in today's society. But perhaps if we think like Esther, we can use our circumstances to great advantage with the help and guidance of the Lord.

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