Monday, June 27, 2005


"Yet your real motive -- I know this was your intent -- was to watch me, and if I sinned, you would not forgive my iniquity." Job 10:13-14 (New Living Translation)

I know Job made a false assumption here, but sometimes, I can totally relate. Things don't always make sense. I don't know who in the bible, other than Jesus, was tested like Job was tested. Honestly. I mean, Paul was definitely persecuted and tested, but he seemed to know why! Job had no reason to suspect why he was suffering so.

I hate that when that happens, don't you?

In perspective, though, I am amazed constantly at God's grace and mercy extended towards me on a daily basis (sometimes way more frequent than that). I can't imagine what he sees in me, but I am happy that he sees something.

I am still astounded while reading Job. He was so resilient through receiving all the bad news and his wife's quasi-condemnation. I can only imagine what it must be like to suffer all that, then have your health attacked. Then, to have your friends come in and press you for the sins they are sure you committed. It is amazing Job lived!

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