Saturday, June 25, 2005

Saturday Night

I love Saturdays. No alarms are set, there's no need to rush through showering and getting ready for the day, no rush to things read before heading off to work, etc.

Today was another lazy Saturday. Poor Joce has hurt her back, and she was ordered not to sit today at all. So, we ran a couple of errands, then took a couple of walks. Silver, Bob and Joce's golden retriever, was in fine shape today -- very bright and alert and playful. We played in the yard, then played in the field. A nice nap, then out to the yard to brush Silver (she was like putty in my hands) as Bob & Joce made a fabulous dinner of steak, potatoes and a greek salad that was out of this world!

Then off to worship practice. Oh, I probably performed my personal worst at this practice...which bugs me because the band was again soooooo good. They all play by ear. They all had the same music I did, yet they were all able to do just excellent things with their instruments (mostly guitars). I felt completely blocked up. My experience over the past few times of playing with the worship team is that if the notes are not written down and practiced by me in advance, then I won't risk playing "ad lib" on Sunday. It is not completely that I am afraid of screwing up on Sunday -- I've played wrong notes on Sundays before and survived. It is just I am not sure of what notes I am supposed to play on the fly. It doesn't come naturally.

So, I don't like to end a day on that note, but there you have it -- tonight I will pray for quite a while about tomorrow's service.

Today's reading was from Job 3-4.

At this point, Job has suffered tremendous losses as outlined above. Though he has remained faithful to God, God allows Satan to test Job further. And while Job is scratching the boils that Satan uses to test him, his wife, the only thing he has left, tells him to curse God and die. Three of Job's friends arrive to comfort and console him. They were silent with Job for seven days, sitting on the ground with him and observing his suffering that was so much that he could not speak about it.

Actually, I will have to finish this tomorrow as I am literally falling asleep at this desk!

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