Saturday, November 08, 2008

An Early Winter Night's Joy

Surprised. I was quite surprised.

I had seen a ballet earlier this year - "Mozart's Requiem", and it was quite good, but a bit heavy and dark. Prior to that, my last ballet was "Swan Lake" performed at the Kennedy Center with Rudolph Nureyev as the lead male dancer, perhaps 30 years ago. I don't remember much of the performance, except for being absolutely amazed watching the swans dance their beautifully synchronized dance.

So, as I headed off to "A Midsummer Night's Dream" a couple of days ago, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. With my limited experience, I expected a serious, somewhat dark ballet. As I said above, I was quite surprised.

First of all, the set was beautiful. Not too complicated, so very sophisticated. The opening seemed as if it was occurring in a dream, and we understood why that was when a filmy filter curtain lifted during or after the opening dance. Brilliant.

Mendellsohn's music was light and fun. The choreography was....well, astute, I think. In other words, I think that the story was told so well, and the humor conveyed so aptly, that even the viewer who least likes ballet would be entertained!! The dancers danced in a beautifully winsome fashion - to my untrained eye, they were flawless. The children's performance was top-notch, and the Pro Coro Choir was phenomenal. As I heard the beautiful music drift up from the orchestra pit, I envied the musicians in the Edmonton Symphony.

As the potion put a spell on the lovers in this story, so this performance enchanted me. I could not have asked for a warmer experience on this early winter night!

Thank you, Alberta Ballet.

1 comment:

Pro Coro Canada said...

We at Pro Coro are pleased that you enjoyed the sound of the Pro Coro ladies. If you wish to hear the whole choir, our Christmas concert in on Dec. 14 at 2 p.m. in the fantastic Winspear Centre. Tickets are available through the Winspear box office or on-line at