Monday, January 14, 2008

A Year Of Loving God

That is my church's theme for 2008 -- A Year Of Loving God. Ever since I heard it, the phrase has been rolling around in my head. I've thought, ruminated, prayed, spoken, dwelled on it. What will this look like for me?

I've already failed in a way, I guess. We had a prayer meeting at the church this past Sunday. The intent was for our pastoral staff to pray with and bless families - it was called "Blessing Night". Frankly, I'm just sick at heart of going to family events as one. Downright exhausted from the effort of going to these things. Seriously, despite the fact that I have a wealth of friends that would have been there, I just simply could not even bear the idea of walking in there alone. And I'm tired of pretending almost to be a member of someone else's family - or at least that is what it seems like at times.

This is clearly not the way to being a year of loving God. It is His family I profess to belong to and surely that should be enough. Most times it is. Sometimes, though, like last night, it's not.

Lately, I've heard how important it is to finish well. I hope to finish this year much better than I started it.

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