Tuesday, January 15, 2008


So, I have some questions about this topic. Today we finished reading Job. At the end of the book of Job, ..."The Lord blessed Job in the second half of his life even more than in the beginning....." In context, God allowed Satan to test Job for a bit. And Satan certainly did a pretty good job -- took Job's possessions, family, health, and frankly, even his closest friends. Job withstood the test fairly well, and humbled himself when he realized he had not tested so well. And so, the Lord blessed Job even more -- more possessions, more family, better health, etc.

And so I wonder how many of us expect this outcome? And when I say this outcome, please note that I mean the outcome of further blessings in this lifetime, on this earth. And I also wonder if we should expect it? And from that, I wonder what assumptions we would make if we expected these results and did not get blessed like Job got blessed. Would we be able to withstand an entire lifetime without thinking we'd messed up somehow -- like Job's friends assumed?? Frankly, I suspect that in general, we would not be able to do that.

Oh, it is easy to think that we might be able to do it. But really, sit and imagine for a while that you lost your home. So, instead of sitting at home and imagining this, why not go outside, sit on a curb, and imagine what it would be like to think you have nowhere to go. While you are out there, imagine that you have welts all over your body -- the very sight of you disturbs everyone you meet. You've lost your job, let's say for some unforeseen reason, but your former co-workers see you in the street with these new welts all over your body. Your wife leaves you, your children die, and your friends come to try and help you figure out what you did wrong. No job, no money, no family, no car, no home, no nothing. Just "friends" trying to help you figure it all out.

There is quite a bit of teaching going around that suggests if we do all the right things, we will prosper in the same way Job prospered once his test was over.

Hmmm....I don't THINK so. There is enough evidence in the Bible to suggest otherwise.

But, when I read Job 42, I understand how easy it is to believe this. And so, I will be pondering this for a while to glean what God would have me understand from the book of Job.

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