Tuesday, March 28, 2006

1 Samuel 16 - 20

Lord, please don't let me be a Saul.

Saul is a control freak of great magnitude. We talked about control freaks at a lunch I went to today, but there is no one, let me repeat -- no one, that even approaches the fringes of control freakiness that Saul lives out. At least, no one at that lunch that I could tell.

The story of Saul is a great example of how control is an illusion. Saul, as king with authority and power over his servants and minions, would have been one person on earth you would guess would be able to "off" (or rather kill) David. I mean, really. If anyone could do that, you would guess it would be Saul. He had the resources, the cunning, the desire, the boldness, the weapons, etc., etc., etc. But all these things, as far as I am concerned, simply served to give Saul an illusion of control.

How ironic is it that he saw this principle demonstrated in front of his very eyes as David defeated Goliath with a mere slingshot.

When the Spirit of the Lord is with you, you need nothing else.

Lord, I want your Spirit -- nothing else. I'd rather go tend sheep with your Spirit, than be a king with the illusion of control.

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