Monday, January 10, 2011


Does anyone else feel a little bit like Leah?

The number of times Leah is rejected is mind-boggling. Maybe I am just oversensitive seeing as how I am a middle-aged single woman going through a number of struggles. But Leah really got hit hard.

A young man came to town, Jacob, who had been sent from his father to find a wife from his family. He sees Leah's sister Rachel and wants her as his wife. He works for 7 years for their father (Laban) just to achieve that. And on the night of his marriage, Laban sneaks in Leah instead of Rachel for the consummation of the marriage.

Now, right there alone, huge rejection. I think if my father snuck me in to sleep with someone who desired to marry my sister, the thought might cross my mind "Have I no worth as myself?" or "My father doesn't even think I can marry." What was wrong with Leah, I wonder? The bible says she had "weak eyes", but what does that mean? Was she ugly because of weak eyes?

As if that rejection was not enough, after sleeping with Leah, Jacob wakes up and is not happy about this situation at all - he wants Rachel, and is willing to work yet another 7 years to achieve that. So, Laban gives him Rachel as well while he works.

While he is working off this 7 years, God blesses Leah with children because he sees how she is unloved. With each successive child, Leah's thoughts are basically, "Now my husband will love me." In the scriptures, you can hear the plaintive wailing in her heart as one unloved. My heart breaks for Leah and for those, and there are many, who just like Leah, have been passed over or used for someone else's purposes.

God sees your heart and hears your prayer - He will provide love and solace to those unloved.

1 comment:

Karen Hossink said...

I love that God sees me and hears me. And loves me! Regardless of what anyone else thinks.