Sunday, August 31, 2008

Golden Bears

It is going to be a fun football season for me. I went to the opening Golden Bears game yesterday, and though the start was a bit shaky, the Golden Bears found their form I think. I'm no football expert, but I think their quarterback threw confident and sharp passes. He found the ones who were open and nailed the passes quite a bit better than last year. And in layman's terms, I thought his offensive line protected him well - quite well - and in addition, the receivers were fast off the mark. I was totally impressed.

My friend Jean-Marc plays defense for the Bears and he did a great job yesterday. I particularly remember 3 tackles that were awesome. Whoever #45 was did an awesome job as did #44. I thought the defense looked very strong.

I think that if the Golden Bears play like they did in Quarters 2, 3 and 4, for the rest of this year, they will be tough to beat. I am so excited to be able to be here for this year of great football!

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