Thursday, September 20, 2007


I held a baby today - her name is Blythe and she is only 10 days old. She weighed in over 9 pounds at her birth, so most of us ladies applaud her mother when we see her! At least, we applaud her in our minds!

Blythe stretched alot while I held her, and I can only imagine that is a reflex from being curled up inside her mother's womb. You know how good it feels to stretch after sitting or sleeping in one position for just hours -- imagine months at a time! She is obviously very strong. I could feel that when she stretched.

There is something very comforting and soothing about holding a baby in your arms -- especially, I think, when they sleep on you. I could sit for hours with a baby sleeping on me, head resting just below my chin.

As I held Blythe today, I pondered the reasons for my lack of children and certainly had at least a vague notion that there must be some mistake, and I wondered again "why?"

I'm sure that question will eventually be answered. In the meantime, tonight I pray for Blythe. I pray that she love the home she grows up in, that she knows she is loved just for being her, that she is surrounded by family and people that realize what a gift she really is. I pray that whatever her dreams are, she feels confident and supported to achieve them all, and that she is a little light that shines in the people's lives that she touches. I know that she was a light in my life today!

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