Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day 2007

Well, as I begin writing this blog entry, I notice there are exactly 2 minutes left of Valentine's Day 2007. Up until a few hours ago, it was a good Valentine's Day. I received a couple of e-valentine cards, there were good treats in the office and we had a fun day.

I've made a few friends in the past 4 or 5 years that have very special Valentine's Day stories. It appears that this day is often chosen by God to reveal himself to people! My friends Larry and Jim both accepted Christ on Valentine's Days in the past. Their stories are pretty awesome, let me tell you.

Ten years ago today, I was on my way to Florida to meet my mother and her family to travel to the Bahamas for a week. Mom's brother Mike was getting married and since my dad did not want to go, I convinced Mom to go with me and experience island life. It was a grand time indeed -- we danced the Macharena (sp?) on the beach, we para-sailed, we laughed, we ate, we reestablished relationships with family that we don't often get to see - and in a wonderful environment, too.

Today, my mom was diagnosed with Stage 3 Lung Cancer.

I can't express the grief I feel that one who has really and truly sacrificed her own life (she has degrees, but stayed home with the kids), and sacrificed so many things for her children (i.e., me and 4 others) and her husband so he could go after his dreams, and still sacrifices just to keep peace in the family, has now to be faced with this challenge. I'm sure you might have experienced the same thing, after all.

Other than this horrible cancer, she is in excellent physical condition, which is very important for her prognosis of recovery. She has lived a balanced life, other than the smoking in the old days. In fact, she is one of the most moderate and balanced people I know, getting daily exercise, eating healthy, etc.

Ah, Lord, I pray that my mother has a better Valentine's Day next year and for several more years after that.

If you would not mind saying a prayer for my mom, I would be very grateful. God hears each one, and each one matters to him in a significant way. If you don't know how to pray, you can try this one:

"God, thank you for Ann's presence in the lives of Kathy and so many others for nearly 70 years so far. There are many who never see their children grow, never see their grandchildren, never retire, and alot of other nevers. Thank you for your grace in Ann's life. As a father who sacrificed His only son so others would experience your love eternally, you understand the grief of her family as she goes through treatments and therapies, pain, tiredness, etc. I pray that you draw her close to you and that she experience the comfort that you bring on a day-by-day basis. Lord, I pray that she selects the right treatments, that you guide her doctors/therapists/etc. as they work on her condition, that you fill her with the strength she needs, and that you bless her in the upcoming months with support, comfort, attention, and a full return to good health. In Jesus' name, I pray these things. Amen."


KingJaymz said...

And I pray for you too, my dear Sister: that the Lord would lift you up, give you strength, and that you might be comforted as you struggle with this, too.

Kathys Blog said...

Thanks, Jared -- You are always a comfort as well. Take care.