One of the things that has meant the most to me on becoming a Christian and participating at my church is the ministry we call "Secret Sisters". The lady standing with me in this picture is Rachel. She was my first Secret Sister on coming up here to Edmonton. I've told her story in a previous blog - if you care to read it, just go to: http://kathybrownsblog.blogspot.com/2006/08/rachel.html.
Well, I did not have alot of funds to expend on gifts for my secret sister - and there is actually a limit of what we are supposed to spend. But I knew it was not about any gifts. Secret Sister's purpose, at least in my heart, is to learn about someone in our church, and love and pray for them - secretly. A little note or something symbolic once in a while to let the person know they are in our thoughts is not a bad thing. But it is not the point.
I am happy to say that ever since that time when Rachel was my secret sister, we have remained friends and I know that we pray for one another. Through this ministry, I have made a life-time friend, who's own life has touched mine in a very profound way.
We usually wrap up the year with a little Christmas gift to our Secret Sister so I thought it was appropriate just to plug the ministry of Secret Sisters in this Celebration of Advent.
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