Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas 2005

Well, it was quite the Christmas this year. I went to bed this morning at about 2:30 a.m. and arose again at about 7:30 a.m. to get ready for church. Our pastor did an excellent job, as usual, of bringing the word of God right to the door of our hearts -- at least, I found that to be the case. One of his prayers for us today was that anyone with a heaviness in their heart (paraphrased) have it lightened -- I pray for that today....

I've always been artistically inclined and fairly subject to deep emotions -- deep happiness as well as deep sadness. And most times, I am happy for that, as I regard it as intense living. But once in a while, even-keeled seems a better way to go. This is one of those times.

A friend of mine (Emily -- link on the right) wrote a poem about brokenness which talks about being broken like glass. That is close to what I feel like, except it is more like my heart is being shred with shards of glass. Why?

1 comment:

kanadians in korea said...

i wish i were more even-keeled too, kathy. but if we were, would we even have blogs? i'm wondering why your heart was hurting? how can i pray for you?