Saturday, June 11, 2005

Great Day in Edmonton

It was a great day in Edmonton today. We had 20 people show up at the 2005 Courtside Central tennis tournament at Jasper Place from 8 am - noon. It was a fun time with everyone playing four doubles rounds of about 40 minutes each. Our 2005 1st place finishers were Bob Jones and Jon Lantz. Runners up were Kris and Thuy Cao.
Also at Jasper Place today were football tryouts for young kids -- 9 years old and up. I met one of the football coaches as he was watching our tennis tournament and he said he just recently started playing (for exercise and to burn off calories), and was amazed at the talent he saw on the courts today. I let him know we had several players who would be competing in the World Masters' Games in July.
Last night, I picked up a can of pink tennis balls -- Sarah Neumann won them as a prize after the barbecue today, but I think I am going to get another can and try them out -- they looked fun.
Craig Burns graciously brought a barbecue AND cooked and served hamburgers right from the bed of his truck.
I did not play much -- just a little warming up and serving at the beginning. Until I lose some weight, and do all the stretching and rehab that I know to do for knees, the knees simply will not bear the strain of tennis. Today it was the right side of the right knee that was a problem. I really need to start working out again - everything is better when you're in shape.
Anyway, though I did not get a real workout today, I promptly feel asleep after the tennis, and did not wake up until 7 pm. Rehearsed for tomorrow's service for the rest of the evening.

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