Thursday, June 09, 2005

Funny Day

Well, today was a funny day. It was actually a gorgeous day in terms of the weather. I drove to work in blue skies with maybe a few puffy clouds to break up the monotony of an all blue sky. The skies in Edmonton seem very large. And right now, it stays light until 11:00 p.m. - amazing! It tends to result in a later bedtime, though, which can wreak havoc with a person's natural clock!
Found out my folks will be making a trip out to visit next month. Now I will really have to get the room clean :) . We will have to make a trip through the mountains just so they can see all the spectacular sights -- honestly, the Canadian Rockies are beautiful to say the least.
My work visa came in last week, for which I am very for the work! Things are in the works, though -- God has a plan for me.
Today, we had rehearsal for worship this Sunday and I loved it as usual -- my desire to play the flute is nearly insatiable right now. Personally, I think it is because I have practiced quite a bit this past year, and the sound is getting better -- in fact, although I may not be as technically proficient as I used to be, I think my tone has improved. As I was leaving the church after worship rehearsal, I was standing in the parking lot chatting with my friend Don when someone driving across the street hit a pole and knocked out one of the tires on his car -- it would not move after that. Right behind him was an EMT vehicle though that stopped right away to help. The driver did not look like he was altogether "there" if you know what I mean, so my thoughts are with him tonight -- did his life forever change with this incident? Or will it turn out to be another step in the wrong direction? If you get a chance, say a prayer for this young man.

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